I came across this post on GodGab (Note: site no longer exists) when I should have been working, and thought I would share it.
The pedant is disposed to be skeptical by reason of a lurking belief that it is the look-out of the Divinity to make Himself known to him. But the jeeva (soul) is a dissociable particle of the divine essence with the onus of choosing for himself from among the alternatives of serving, a neutral and a disobedient career, his own relationship to the Divinity. He cannot escape the privilege of exercising this responsibility except by conscious self-deception or by hyporcisy.
Translated into a language we can understand (sorry, but that is not english), it basically means that a pedant is someone who thinks it is up to God to prove Himself to us. However, our soul can choose 1 of 3 ways to act towards God - servitude, neutrality, or rejection/disobedience. To think otherwise is either hypocritical or self deceiving.
I think it also assumes that the soul exists...who knows. Stupid Existential English!