More and more I’ve been using projections to handle the query side of my applications, which of course includes a lot of Expression objects.

The problem with Expression objects is they’re non-trivial to chain together and combine, because they’re data structures, not code.

I recently had to implement a simple report filter that had optional date ranges on 4 different date fields - each with an optional From and To date. Of course, there were other requirements of this feature, too, which makes it a bit more interesting:

  • Run the whole query in SQL - I don’t want to materialize my enumerable to perform the filtering
  • Somewhat simple SQL query - of course I can be clever with GroupBy and SelectMany, but I’d prefer my SQL to just say WHERE date <= @p0 if possible.
  • Clean code - DRY, reusable, terse et. al.

This is a faithful reproduction of my filter:

public class CarFilter
    public DateTime? RegistrationDateFrom { get; set; }
    public DateTime? RegistrationDateTo { get; set; }
    public DateTime? PurchaseDateFrom { get; set; }
    public DateTime? PurchaseDateTo { get; set; }

When I design tthings that I want to be highly readable, I generally write the calling code first:

public IEnumerable<Car> GetCars(CarFilter carFilter)
    return carFilter.ApplyTo(_carQuery);

See how clean that is? Ok ok, so that was cheating….

public IQueryable<Car> ApplyTo(IQueryable<Car> carQuery)
    return carQuery
        .WhereDateBetween(car => car.RegistrationDate, RegistrationDateFrom, RegistrationDateTo)
        .WhereDateBetween(car => car.PurchaseDate, PurchaseDateFrom, PurchaseDateTo);

I thought an extension method was better suited for the example here, but the real solution used a seperate Query object. Just so ya know.

public static IQueryable<T> WhereDateBetween<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, 
    Expression<Func<T, DateTime>> getDate, 
    DateTime? fromDate DateTime? toDate)
    if (from == null && to == null)
        return source; // The simplest query is no query

    // Uhhh...

At this point I thought I’d pull out a predicate expression - that is Expression<Func<DateTime, bool>>.

private static Expression<Func<DateTime, bool>> DateBetween(DateTime? fromDate, DateTime? toDate)
    if (toDate == null)
        return date => fromDate <= date;

    if (fromDate == null)
        return date => toDate >= date;

    return date => fromDate <= date && toDate >= date;

I do love that date => fromDate <= date is perfectly valid code.

Essentially what we have now are 2 expressions: GetDate(T) : DateTime and Predicate(Date) : bool. What we want is an expression that represents Predicate(GetDate(T)) : bool. Thus our WhereDateBetween function will become:

public static IQueryable<T> WhereDateBetween<T>(this IQueryable<T> source, 
    Expression<Func<T, DateTime>> getDate, 
    DateTime? fromDate DateTime? toDate)
        if (fromDate == null && toDate == null)
        return source; // The simplest query is no query

        var predicate = DateBetween(fromDate, toDate);
        return source.Where(getDate.Chain(predicate));

If you don’t want to understand expression trees, then implementing Chain can be done by copy/pasting from stack overflow and attributing appropriately. Unfortunately the code is so straight forward it’s going to look like that’s what I did, but I swear I found this afterwards - my GoogleFu was weak in this instance.

Before we move on, let’s get a bit more generic and mathematical. We have 2 expressions, F(a) and G(b), and want one expression, G(F(a)). This can be done by replacing the parameter b of G with the body of F.

The simplest way to replace parts of expression trees is to use the ExpressionVisitor base class that was introduced back in .Net 3.5. It just provides a bunch of methods that you can override to substitute parts of trees from others. In our case, we’re just need to swap one node with another.

internal class SwapVisitor : ExpressionVisitor
    private readonly Expression _source, _replacement;

    public SwapVisitor(Expression source, Expression replacement)
        _source = source;
        _replacement = replacement;

    public override Expression Visit(Expression node)
        return node == _source ? _replacement : base.Visit(node);

And then implement the Chain method

public static Expression<Func<TIn, TOut>> Chain<TIn, TInterstitial, TOut>(
    this Expression<Func<TIn, TInterstitial>> inner,
    Expression<Func<TInterstitial, TOut>> outer)
    var visitor = new SwapVisitor(outer.Parameters[0], inner.Body);
    return Expression.Lambda<Func<TIn, TOut>>(visitor.Visit(outer.Body), inner.Parameters);

This creates a SwapVisitor that replaces the first parameter of outer (the b in G(b)) with the body of inner (the F in F(a)). It then creates the new lambda expression with the body G∘F (wiki: function composition) and the parameter from inner (the a of F(a)).

And we’re done! Very simple, type safe code (except for the expression tree twiddling) that produces nice, fast queries!

I’ve uploaded a gist of all the implementing files if you want to see it all without distractions.